Monthly Archives: July 2019

Travel subventions to students and young scholars from European Institutions for the conference “New Perspectives in Chinese History: The Use of Archives from the Middle and Lower course of the Yangzi River and Related Regions (16th century – 1949)”

The conference “New Perspectives in Chinese history: The Use of Archives from the Middle and Lower course of the Yangzi River and Related Regions (16th century – 1949)” will take place in Paris, October 16th to 18th, 2019. It is sponsored by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange and co-organized by L’Ecole française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) and EFEO Beijing Center, the Max Weber Stiftung (MWS) and its Branch Office in Beijing, as well as the Centre d’études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine (CECMC) at L’Ecole des hautes études en Sciences sociales (EHESS).

The conference brings together eminent Chinese scholars who will introduce various newly discovered archival material. Each talk is conceived in three parts: first, a “state of the art” according to the archives places; second, speaker’s presentation of his personal research; third, reading of a sample source from the particular archive. See the preliminary program for more details.

Five travel subventions for students (from Master level 2 to PhD candidates, eventually to post-doctoral scholars), enrolled in an European Institution, with a sufficient level of oral Modern Chinese and Classical Chinese, will be offered to attend this conference. The amount of the subvention will be based on the cost of transportation and accommodation in Paris for a maximum of 800 €. After the conference, the recipients will be refunded on the basis of invoices by transfer to their bank account. Lunch meals will be provided during the conference, but not dinner.

Expected candidates should be engaged in research on the history of late imperial and/or modern China (Ming, Qing, Republican periods). They should provide a CV, a presentation of their master/PhD or Post-doc research program in no more than one page, a cover letter and an itemized budget, all included in one single PDF-file. Please note that the organization committee won’t provide hotel and transport booking service. Application deadline is: August 26th at noon, 2019 (reply by August 31st). A selection committee composed of Alain Arrault (EFEO), Michela Bussotti (EFEO), Hans van Ess (Munich University), and Xavier Paulès (EHESS) will choose the recipients.

Contact and application email address: chinaarchives2019 [at]


Call for Applications: Travel Grants for Research in China in 2020

Apply now for travel grants to conduct research in China in 2020. The Max Weber Foundation – German Humanities Institutes Abroad (MWS) – awards travel grants once a year, with the generous support of the Fritz Thyssen Foundation. The grants will be awarded to scholars from sinology or related subjects of any nationality, whose professional qualification phase (PhD and postdoc) is concerned with Chinese history, language or culture in the broadest sense and for whose research a stay in China is indispensable. Every year, two travel grants will be awarded for a period of research of up to three months, for the purposes of fieldwork, archive and/or library research in China. An affiliation to a university or (research) institution in the German-speaking area (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) should be given.

The deadline for applications is 18 October 2019.

Further information: